Family Name: N.O. Leguminosae
Botanical Name(s): Mucuna pruriens (LINN.)
Popular Name(s): Cowitch, Cowhage plant, kavach, Kapikachhu,
Parts Used: Seeds, root and legumes
Habitat: Atmagupta is found in India and East and West Indies.
Description: Atmagupta is an annual climbing shrub found with
long and slender branches. The plant possesses large white flowers which
grow in clusters of two or three. Its pods are hairy, thick and are
generally 4 inches long.
Uses: Atmagupta is used as an anthelmintic, astringent, nervine
and rejuvenative substance. Its seeds are used to treat leucorrhoea,
menorrhagia and spermatorrhoea. The roots are used in paralysis and
nervous disorders. Its decoction purifies the blood also.