Family Name: Malvaceae
Botanical Name(s): Sida Rhombifolia
Popular Name(s): Country mallow, Mutheera pulagam, Sadeva,
Sap-devi, Shamblidebari, Sirramutti, Svetberela,
Parts Used: Root and stem
Habitat: Atibala is widely found in India and Sri Lanka.
Description: Atibala is a perennial plant with erect stem and
gains a height of 50-120 cm. Its leaves are dark green in colour and are
4 - 8 cm long. The flowers are orange-yellow in colour and consist of
five petals which are 4 to 8 mm long and its fruits are present in the
form of a ribbed capsule.
Uses: Atibala's leaves and roots are used in piles, gonorrhoea
and in rheumatism. Mucilage that is present in its stem is used as
demulcent and emollient.