Family Name: Asteraceae
Botanical Name(s): Arnica Montana
Popular Name(s): Leopard's Bane, Mountain Tobacco, Mountain
Arnica, Common Arnica and Wolfsbane
Parts Used: Flowers, Rootstock
Habitat: It is native to Central Europe.
Description: The leaves form a flat rosette, from the center of
which rises a flower stalk, 1 to 2 feet high, bearing orange-yellow
flowers. The rhizome is dark brown, cylindrical, usually curved, and
bears brittle wiry rootlets on the under surface.
Uses: A tincture made from the plant material can be used in the
treatment of heart failure and coronary artery disease. It can be used
as a mouthwash and gargle when fighting inflammation of the mucus
membranes. It helps to prevent bruising and swelling after traumatic
skin injuries and prevents the blood platelets from gathering to the
site of injury.