Family Name: Papilionaceae
Botanical Name(s): Psoralea Corylifolia
Popular Name(s): Babchi, Bakuchi, Babchi Seeds, Bavachi, Bavanchalu, Bavanchi Bavchi, Bhavanchi-vittulu, Bawachi, Bhavaj, Bobawachi, Bogi-vittulu, Hakuchi, Kantaka, Karpokarishi, Karu-bogi, Krishnaphala, Latakasturi, Somaraji, Sugandha kantak, Vabkuchi, Vakuchi, Fountain Bush.
Parts Used: Seeds
Habitat: Found in southern Africa.
Description: Psoralea pinnata is an erect shrub or small tree, which grows up to 4 m high, with blue, lilac and white, pea-shaped flowers. The leaves are compound and are composed of several pairs of leaflets and a terminal one. The leaflets are 50 mm long and 3 mm wide and are aromatic when crushed. The pea-flowers are borne at the ends of the branches or in the axils of the upper leaves.
Uses: This herb has been considered by Ayurveda doctors to be so effective in the treatment of leprosy that it was given the name of 'Kushtanashini' (leprosy destroyers). The powder from the seed is used to treat leprosy and leucoderma internally. It is also applied in the form of paste or ointment externally.