Family Name: N.O. Plantaginaceae
Botanical Name(s): Plantago major
Popular Name(s): Broad-leaved Plantain, Ripple Grass, White
Man's Foot, Snakeweed
Parts Used: The root, leaves and flower-spikes
Habitat: Plantain is found abundantly in North America and in
Description: Plantain grows from short rhizome and possesses
many straight yellowish roots. The plant has large radial rosette leaves
and some slender spikes which are densely-flowered. The leaves are oval
shaped and are contracted at the base. The blade of the leaves is 4 to
10 inches in length. The flowers are purplish-green in colour. The
fruits of the plant are two-celled capsule and contain four to sixteen
Uses: Plantain is used as refrigerant, diuretic and as
deobstruent. It is used in inflammation of the skin, malignant ulcers
and in intermittent fever. The leaves are applied on bleeding surfaces
as they arrest haemorrhage. A decoction prepared using Plantain is
considered good in disorders of the kidneys. The roots are powdered and
are effective in the complaints of the bowels.