Family Name: N.O. Ericaceae
Botanical Name(s): Chimaphila umbellata (LINN.)
Popular Name(s): Pyrola umbellata, Winter Green, Butter Winter,
King's Cure
Parts Used: The leaves
Habitat: Prince's Pine is found in Europe, Asia, America and in
Description: Prince's Pine is an evergreen, erect shrub which
grows to height of 10-30 cm. The leaves are arranged in whorls of 3-8 on
stem with a size of 3-7 cm in length and 0.5-2.5 cm in breadth and
possess dark green colour on the upper surface. The flowers are pinkish
to somewhat rose in colour. The fruits bear round capsules which are 5-7
mm broad and 5-celled.
Uses: Prince's Pine is used as diuretic, astringent, tonic and
as an alterative. The bruised fresh leaves of the plant acts as
vesicants and rubefacients. The decoction prepared from its leaves is
advantageous to chronic gonorrhoea, strangury, catarrh of the bladder
and it cures ascites.