Family Name: Labiatae
Botanical Name(s): Mentha Pulegium
Popular Name(s): Pennyroyal, American Pennyroyal, European
Pennyroyal, Tickweed, Sqaw Mint, Stinking Balm, Thickweed
Parts Used: Aerial parts and Oil
Habitat: It is a native of most parts of Europe and parts of
Description: The leaves are opposite, shortly stalked, more or
less hairy on both sides, round oval, grayish green, about 1 to 1 1/2
inch long and 1/2 inch broad. The flowers are in whorled clusters of ten
or a dozen, rising in tiers one above the other at the nodes, where the
leaves spring in pairs, beginning about the middle of the stem, their
color reddish purple to lilac blue. The flowers bloom during July and
August. The seed is light brown, oval and very small.
Uses: Its main use is as an emmenagogue to stimulate the
menstrual process and to strengthen uterine contractions.