Family Name: Ranunculaceae
Botanical Name(s): Hydrastis canadensis
Popular Name(s): Goldenseal, Yellow Paint Root, Orange Root,
Yellow Puccoon, Ground Raspberry, Eye Root, Yellow Indian Plant,
Turmeric Root, Ohio Curcuma, Eye Balm, Yellow Eye, Jaundice Root.
Parts Used: Dried Root and Rhizome
Habitat: Native to the Northern and Eastern Forested regions of
the Northern America.
Description: The plant, which is collected mainly from the wild,
reaches a height of about 0.3 meters and is characterized by an erect,
hairy stem, small, greenish-white flowers that bloom in early spring and
subsequently become clusters of red berries and a thick yellow rhizome.
Uses: Goldenseal is often used as a multi-purpose remedy, having
many different medicinal properties. In addition to working as a topical
antibiotic, it can also be taken internally as a digestion aid.