Family Name: Geraniaceae
Botanical Name(s): Pelargonium Odoratissimum
Popular Name(s): Apple Geranium, Alum Root, Wild Geranium,
Chocolate Flower and Wild Cranesbill.
Parts Used: Dried rhizome leaves.
Habitat: It is a native of Europe.
Description: A perennial grows from 1 to 2 feet high. The entire
plant is erect and unbranched, more or less covered with hairs; the
leaves deeply parted, each division again cleft and toothed. Flowering
time is April to June and flowers are rosy purple in color.
Uses: The leaves are added to desserts, fruit drinks, sauces and
punches. Geranium essential oil has a balancing effect on the mind and
nervous system, relieving anxiety, depression and especially stress. It
also has a balancing effect on the hormonal system and helps both with
heavy menstrual flow as well as vaginal dryness. It tones up the waste
and water removal in the body and perks up the kidneys and liver, as
well as the lymphatic system. Used for skin care, it balances the
production of sebum and clears sluggish congested skin.