Family Name: Rhamnaceae
Botanical Name(s): Ceanothus americanus
Popular Name(s): New Jersey Tea, Wild Snowball, Jersey Tea,
Mountain-Sweet, Red Root, Walpole Tea
Parts Used: Root or bark of the root
Habitat: Bobea is found in North America.
Description: Bobea is a small, deciduous shrub with a round,
slender, reddish stem and grows to a height of 0.5-3 m. Its root is red
inside and brownish or reddish on the outer side. The shrub bears
alternate, ovate or oblong-ovate, finely serrate leaves that are dull
green on top and finely hairy beneath. Its small white flowers grow in
long- stalked clusters.
Uses: Bobea has astringent, antispasmodic and anti-syphilitic
properties. It is used as an expectorant and sedative. It cures asthma,
chronic bronchitis, whooping-cough and dysentery. It is used as a
mouth-wash also.