Family Name: Rosaceae
Botanical Name(s): Rubus villosus
Popular Name(s): Bramble, Cloudberry, Dewberry, Goutberry, High Blackberry, Thimbleberry, American Blackberry
Parts Used: Leaves, root and bark
Habitat: Blackberry is cultivated in the United States of America.
Description: Blackberry is a trailing perennial plant that grows in dry or sandy soil. The plant bears slender branches possessing sharp and recurved prickles. Its leaves are hairy bearing 3 to 5 leaflets. The leaflets are doubly serrate and ovate shaped. The flowers have five-petals are white in colour. Its ripe berries are red in colour.
Uses: Blackberry has astringent properties. It is used in diarrhoea, dysentery, sore throat and hemorrhoids. A tea made from its dried root is used for curing dropsy.