Family Name: N.O. Rosaceae
Botanical Name(s): Rubus idaeus (LINN.)
Popular Name(s): Raspbis, Hindberry, Bramble of Mount Ida
Parts Used: The leaves and fruit
Habitat: Red Raspberry is found in many parts of Europe.
Description: Red Raspberry has thorny, erect stems and it
reaches a height up to 2 m. The plan bears alternate leaves which are
imparipinnate with ovate-lanceolate leaflets. The flowers are formed in
the leaf axils or at the apex of the branches.
Uses: Red Raspberry is used as astringent and as a stimulant.
Raspberry leaf tea is used as a gargle in sore mouths, canker of the
throat and is a perfect wash for wounds and ulcers. An infusion of
Raspberry leaves is used in the regulation of the bowels. It helps
during parturition also.